Living with Thick Nails

Living with Thick Nails: Practical Advice and Remedies

Thick nails can be a bothersome and sometimes painful condition that affects both fingernails and toenails. While thickened nails can have various causes, including fungal infections and underlying health issues, they can often be managed with the right care and remedies. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the causes of thick nails, provide practical advice for living with them, and offer effective remedies to help you regain healthier, more comfortable nails.

What Are Thick Nails?

Thick nails, medically referred to as onychauxis, are a condition where the nails become unusually thicker and harder than their typical healthy state. This can affect both fingernails and toenails, leading to an abnormal, often uncomfortable nail texture. Thick nails are characterized by their density and rigidity, making them more challenging to trim and manage.

Causes of Thick Nails:

Thick nails can have various underlying causes, and understanding these causes is crucial in determining the most effective treatment approach. Some common factors that can lead to the development of thick nails include:

  • Fungal Infections: One of the most frequent causes of thickened nails is fungal infections like onychomycosis. Fungi can invade the nail, causing it to become brittle, discolored, and thicker over time.
  • Trauma: Injuries or trauma to the nail bed or matrix can result in thickened nails. This is the body’s response to protect the nail from further damage.
  • Psoriasis: Individuals with psoriasis, a chronic skin condition, may experience thickening of the nails as a symptom of the disease.
  • Aging: As we age, our nails tend to grow more slowly and may become thicker. 
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease: Poor blood circulation in the extremities can affect nail health and lead to thickening.

Practical Nail Care Tips:

Taking care of your nails is not only about aesthetics but also about maintaining their health and strength. Here are some practical nail care tips to help you achieve and maintain healthy and beautiful nails:

  • Keep Your Nails Clean: Regularly wash your hands and nails with mild soap and warm water to remove dirt and bacteria. Be sure to dry them thoroughly.
  • Regular Trimming: Maintain your nails by cutting them straight across to reduce the risk of ingrown nails. Use a sharp nail clipper or scissors specifically designed for nails.
  • Avoid Biting and Picking: Break the habit of biting your nails or picking at the cuticles, as this can damage the nail and surrounding skin.
  • Healthy Diet: Consume a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, including biotin, which is essential for nail health.
  • Moisturize: Apply a moisturizing nail and cuticle cream or oil daily to keep your nails and cuticles hydrated. This helps prevent brittleness and dryness.

Home Remedies for Thick Nails:

Thick nails can be managed and improved with some simple home remedies. Here are some effective home remedies to address thick nails:

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar Soak: Apple cider vinegar has antifungal properties that can help treat thick nails caused by fungal infections. Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and warm water in a basin and soak your affected nails for about 30 minutes daily.
  2. Tea Tree Oil: Utilize the benefits of tea tree oil, recognized for its antifungal and antibacterial qualities. Gently apply a few drops of tea tree oil to the nails in question, massaging it in thoroughly. Allow it to sit for a minimum of 30 minutes before rinsing. This routine should be repeated on a daily basis.
  3. Epsom Salt Soak: Epsom salt can soften thick nails and help reduce discomfort. Dissolve Epsom salt in warm water and soak your nails for 15-20 minutes daily.
  4. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that can help soften thick nails. Massage warm coconut oil onto the nails and cuticles, allowing it to absorb. Repeat daily.
  5. Vitamin E Oil: Vitamin E oil promotes nail health and can be applied directly to the nails and cuticles.
  6. Lemon Juice: Lemon juice has natural bleaching properties. Apply lemon juice to the thick nails, leave it on for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Repeat regularly.

Medical Treatments:

When thick nails become a persistent and severe issue, seeking medical treatment may be necessary. Medical treatments are typically recommended and administered by healthcare professionals. Here are some common medical treatments for thick nails:

  • Prescription Medications: In cases where fungal infections are the cause of thick nails, antifungal medications may be prescribed. These medications can help eliminate the underlying infection and promote nail healing. They may be in the form of topical creams, oral pills, or medicated nail lacquers.
  • Debridement: Debridement involves the physical removal of the thickened nail material by a healthcare provider. This is usually done with special tools to thin down the nail and reduce its thickness. It may provide immediate relief and improve the appearance of the nails.
  • Oral Antifungal Medications: For severe or persistent fungal infections causing thick nails, oral antifungal medications may be recommended. These medications are taken by mouth and can target the infection from within the body.
  • Nail Avulsion: In some cases, nail avulsion may be performed. This process entails the full removal of the impacted nail. Afterwards, a new nail may gradually grow in its place.
  • Laser Therapy: Laser therapy is an innovative approach to treating thick nails caused by fungal infections. It involves using a laser to target and eliminate the fungus. This treatment is generally safe and minimally invasive.

Preventing Thick Nails:

Preventing the development of thick nails involves adopting good nail care practices and making certain lifestyle choices. Here are some effective strategies to help prevent thick nails:

  • Wear Appropriate Footwear: Choose comfortable shoes that fit well. Ill-fitting shoes can cause trauma to the toenails, leading to thickening or fungal infections.
  • Protect Your Nails: When engaging in activities that could damage your nails, such as gardening or household chores, wear gloves to shield your nails from injury.
  • Manage Medical Conditions: If you have an underlying medical condition, such as diabetes or psoriasis, work with your healthcare provider to manage it effectively. Proper management can help prevent nail changes and complications.
  • Avoid Excessive Use of Nail Products: Overusing nail polish, acrylic nails, or nail hardeners can weaken your natural nails. Use these products in moderation and give your nails a break between applications.


Q1: What are the common causes of thick nails?

A1: Thick nails can be caused by various factors, including fungal infections, trauma or injury to the nail, psoriasis, onychomycosis (nail fungus), and certain underlying medical conditions. 

Q2: How can I prevent my nails from becoming thick?

A2: Preventing thick nails involves practicing good nail hygiene, avoiding trauma or injury to the nails, wearing appropriate footwear, and maintaining overall foot and nail health.

Q3: Are there any natural remedies for thick nails?

A3: Yes, there are several natural remedies that may help with thick nails, including applying tea tree oil, using vinegar soaks, and maintaining a balanced diet rich in nutrients that promote nail health, such as biotin and vitamin E.

Q4: When should I seek medical treatment for thick nails?

A4: If you notice any unusual changes in the color, texture, or thickness of your nails, or if you experience pain, discomfort, or signs of infection,It is recommended to seek the expertise of a healthcare professional or dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and a suitable treatment strategy.

Q5: Can thick nails be permanently cured?

A5: The outcome of treatment for thick nails depends on the underlying cause. In some cases, thick nails can be effectively managed and improved, while in others, it may require ongoing care and maintenance. Permanently curing thick nails may not always be possible, but with proper care and treatment, significant improvement is achievable.


Living with thick nails can be challenging, but with practical advice and remedies, you can effectively manage and improve your nail health. By understanding the causes, practicing proper nail care, exploring home remedies, considering medical treatments when necessary, and adopting preventive measures, you can take control of your nail health. Remember that everyone’s nail journey is unique, and with patience and persistence, you can achieve the results you desire.

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